Quickbooks Online Clean-up

Bookkeeping Cleanup

Often business owners will be so busy running and building their businesses that they neglect or don’t have time to focus on their bookkeeping. Some business owners are great at what they do, but they don’t have the training or knowledge to effectively do their own bookkeeping. This results in books that are inaccurate, behind, or both! Does this describe you?

Let us help you! At Clarion Bookkeeping, we can get your out-of-date, inaccurate books cleaned up. Whether you are a few months behind, a few years behind, or you never set up your bookkeeping in Quickbooks Online, we can do the hard work for you. 

A Quickbooks Online clean-up includes an analysis and correction of the following for the period(s) being cleaned up:

  • All transactions for all financial accounts including importing and categorizing any missing transactions

  • Reconciliations for all bank, credit card, and merchant services accounts

  • All Income, Cost of Goods Sold, and Expense accounts on the Profit and Loss 

  • All Asset, Liability, and Equity accounts on the Balance Sheet

  • Customer Invoices, unapplied credits, or other unexpected balances included on the Accounts Receivable Aging report

  • Old unpaid vendor Bills, unapplied credits, or other unexpected balances on the Accounts Payable Aging report

  • Undeposited Funds

  • Products and Services List

  • Payroll entries and Payroll mapping

  • Sales Tax collected and paid

Accurate, up-to-date bookkeeping produces accurate financial statements which allow business owners to make informed decisions, file taxes in a timely manner, apply for and receive loans to grow their business and more. A clean-up will get you on the right track!